The Tri-Factor for Scalability - Teachable, Valuable, Repeatable (TVR)
It's easy to get caught in that trap where all of the business or decisions come through us as the owner, and it's very difficult to scale a business like this. There will be a ceiling to how far you can take your business.
Importance of
The Importance of Personalities
This article by BizSmart looks at how different personality types could affect the scale up journey of a business. It is a fascinating read and sparks an interesting debate.
5 Secrets to Finding ‘Business Joy'
Here are 5 secrets to add to your planning to find Business Joy.
Fix What Bugs You - How to Improve
Part of the 2 Second Lean approach is “Fix what bugs you”, but what is this? This video explains what it is and how to use the idea.
Set Effective Business Goals
As a business owner, you can never underestimate the importance and value of goal setting. Goals are the motivating force behind successful businesses of all sizes. Without them, you can’t get from where you are now to where you want to be, so they are crucial for keeping your company moving forwards.
Gloucestershire GrowthHub
If you need some help in Gloucestershire to start your business, then the GrowthHub is a great place to start looking.
Getting Things Done by David Allen
In this productivity book, David Allen details his getting things done process, to free your mind of clutter, get into flow of doing work, and deliver more things on time. This is my summary of his book.
2 Second Lean by Paul Arkers
After 20 years of teaching & doing Lean in many businesses, this book by Paul Akers completed the circle for me in my journey. Paul shows the way to create a fun and dynamic lean culture in the whole business. Enjoy this review of his pivotal book.
Toyota KATA by Mike Rother
When it comes to teaching someone to see problems in a whole new way, the Toyota KATA approach is amazing. In a few simple steps the process guides the relationship between the Coach & the Learner. It is a brilliant way to get amazing results. This is my summary of the process to unlock the potential in anyone.